Wireless Integrated Access Control
Jul 25, 2017
Want to install an electronic locking system without any impact on the building structure?The solution is simple; integrate your access components into the overall system wirelessly.
Solus provide wireless integrated security with the flexibility to expand Access control system to almost every opening in your facility which cannot be reached with a wired solution.
Our latest integration with Wireless technology offers wireless door locking solutions, providing Customers with flexibility to expand their Access Control System to legacy mechanical lock doors.
This smart technology enables mechanical locks to be wirelessly linked to online real-time access control systems. Solus DAC series Access Control Panels have been fully integrated with third party wireless locks to deliver wireless capabilities to our online real time integrated security solutions.
Wireless technology offers the same benefits as of a hardwired access control system without the need to modify or replace the existing door. Similarly to traditional wired systems, wireless access control systems also allow users to perform other actions remotely from a central location, such as unlocking doors, deleting authorized cards from all doors simultaneously and configuring door open times.
Key Benefits:
- Easy to install without the need to modify or replace the existing door
- Cost-effective and adds to the benefit of investments already made
- Simple extension of access control across the site at a lower cost per door
- Supports most common RFID technologies like Mifare and NFC
- Integrates with iSOLUS & DAC series Access Controllers
Download Wireless Integrated Access Control Datasheet