Benefits of Contract Labour Management
Dec 30, 2016 | 7267 Views
Benefits of Contract Labour Management
Contract labour is a conspicuous element in the business world with proven advantages. However, the reliability of contract labour is always in a shadow of apprehension as the onus of vetting the credentials are largely with the contractor. Besides, it is very important to track their movements and restrict them wherever required. However, everything has a solution and these challenges can also be solved with the use of technology with the right security management.
Mr Rao was facing similar challenges at his organisation. Mr Rao is the HR manager with a real estate firm. He was finding it impossible to keep a track of several actual labourers working on different construction sites. Pilferage was another area that needed serious attention. He was facing challenges like losing control of his labour costs, quality and level of the services that he was receiving. He decided to install iSolus Security in his organisation and things got into control from that point onwards.
iSOLUS Contract Labour Management
Solus Contract labour management system helps you to keep a thorough and strict check over contractors and labourers. Unified with Solus access control module, it comes complete with features like managing access to areas, the contractor – labour associations, work orders, date of expiry of work orders and biometrics for detailed identification.
Benefits of Contract Labour Management
- The best way contractual employee’s access can be managed is through Solus Contract labour Management. Apart from this it also gives a complete overview of ongoing and completed projects, an exact count of manpower needed for a particular project and restricts unauthorized access.
- Pilferage control is majorly supported by this system since it helps to track the labourers and mapping that against the bills issued. This benefits the organisation since there is no wage loss.
- It helps in efficient and effective labourer scheduling by therefore reducing the possibility of hiring more labourers than required.
- It avoids any kind of fraudulent events with the help of biometric integration. The contractors and labourers are verified at the time of registration.
- It allows viewing incident history by making use of the reporting feature which provides the user with the data needed to make smarter decisions.
To sum up: Managing on-site contractors and labourers can be considered a fairly challenging task. Solus’s contract labour management has been proven to reduce the labour cost, increase profitability and better operation planning for businesses.
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